不知道大家还记不记得小编为大家推荐的Slicethepie–评论音乐赚美元 ,新手操作可能不太适应,毕竟和其他的网赚不一样,这个要求你对音乐有了解,今天小编为大家提供了部分有关音乐的评论词供大家参考。



- Structure
- Music and Lyrics
- Ways it can be improved
- Inventiveness and originality
- How it makes you feel
- Was it enjoyable
- Did it stand out
- Tightness of the performance
- Musicality of the arrangement


For melodies
Positive – tuneful, interesting, shapely (or well-shaped), strong, melodious, memorable, original,
Negative – plain, shapeless, tuneless, boring. too simple, overly complex, unoriginal

For vocals
Positive: – distinctive, rich, warm, expressive, feeling, strong, attractive, appealing, confident, conviction, heartfelt, clear, stylish, impressive, pitch range, dynamic, edgy, raw, powerful
Negative: – thin, weak, inconsistent, out of tune, pitch problems, expressionless, bland, self conscious

For lyrics
Positive – original, amusing, thought-provoking, inspiring, heart-warming, punchy, meaningful, clever, deep,
Negative – plain, uninspiring, weak, pretentious, cheesy, corny, cringeworthy, obscure, confusing, predictable, repetitive, offensive.

For instrumental accompaniments
Positive: balanced, varied, full, rich, rhythmic, engaging, compelling, competent, smooth, accomplished, imaginative, creative, solid, original, exciting, powerful, driving, atmospheric, ethereal,
Negative: Weak, plain, safe, uninspired, lacking conviction, poor balance, untogether, over-sentimental, unvaried, lacking contrast. strident, harsh

Sings with passion, professional, interesting, well performed, character, original, fresh, unique, upbeat, personality, summery, commercial, individuality, innovative, distinctive, pleasant, enjoyable, memorable, catchy, great, fab, wonderful, enjoyable, Emotion
relaxing, inspirational, dynamic, balanced , catchy , well constructed
refreshing, original, mellow, atmospheric, toe tapping, sharp, challenging, creative, edgy, daring, sunny, bouncy,raucous,plucky,well produced, smooth quality,introspective (for tracks that have good speaks from the heart lyrics) soaring,heartfelt,meaningful,from the heart,meandering

Boring, uninspiring, bland, unimaginative, generic, tuneless, unoriginal, weird

Uninteresting, random, pitching, tuning issues, don’t sing with conviction, dull, boring, flat, strange, indescribable, superficial, Superfluous
repetitive, typical, predictable, poorly constructed
flabby, plodding, banal, lazy, brutal, unoriginal, mind numbing, derivative, offensive, puerile, painful, laughable, vomit inducing
not linear, no structure,banal,uninspiring,lacks depth,sparkle,no charisma,flat,no thought,no passion,no feeling,unoriginal,samey,odd,bizarre,thrown together
